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tv   ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 5AM  ABC  October 2, 2012 4:55am-5:30am EDT

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the public is evenly divided. foreign policy, president obama has the edge there, too, but that topic won't come up until the third and final debate on october 22nd. in washington, i'm shannon travises back to you. jim lair from pbs will be the moderator. catch the debate wednesday at 9:00. here on abc 2 news. weather a big topic, people need to be prepared with umbrellas. the showers will be hanging around for a while. we are seeing them trying to slide in to baltimore. see what is going on with the heaviest rain towards the south and west. a batch of rain nows on the border of carroll county and baltimore county as of now. let's zoom in to the area. we will deal with light rain
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around reisterstown and garrison. this will work out of here, we have rain behind that. speaking of rain, there it is, if you are traveling in to virginia today, this morning, you could see heavy rain here, you are going to need the wipers on full blast through time. the the bus stop, that forecast is going to be a wet one this morning for the kids. make sure you dress them appropriatelies they have the rape gear, and maybe you could take them to school possibly, 61 degrees for a temperature. in to the afternoon, still off and on showers with the temperature around 77 degrees. let's get a check of the time saver traffic with loren cook. good morning. patchy fog to talk about. it's going to be an issue, we are dealing with accidents. trouble on route 100, there is a crash westbound that's going to be at route 295, more problems where we are dealing with an accident along the northbound lanes at route 2. once we get in to baltimore
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city, we are dealing with another accident, doing to be on frank first at handover street. if you are using 95 this morning, here is a live look downtown at 395, everything will be up to speed, no problems right now getting through the fort mc henry. harborill be nice and clear. here is what the west side looks like, liberty road. it will be a nice ride towards 95 or if you are traveling inner loop, pikesville. coming up, doctors at johns hopkins considered a mind blowing medical procedure, giving a woman the ability to hear once again. a woman comes face to face with a black bear. finds out what she does to try to get the animal off the frontch porch. details when good morning maryland continues. wççñçñ
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if you bought an iphone you
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may have noticed a glitch. a bug causes it to use a major amount of cell data and it happens when the phone is plugged in to a wi-fi network. it's been a problem for verizon users and possibly at&t. police officer in philly is in serious trouble, what he was caught doing on camera, doing to it a woman has him under investigation. good morning maryland at 5:00 begins right now. a firefighter is accused of sexually assaulting two boys, we will have a live report as police look in to what happened. it's been ten years since the dc sniper shooting spree. today, remorse from the man who pulled the trigger. the o's are wrapping up the
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regular season and the playoff picture is not sorted out just yet on this tuesday, october 2nd, good morning maryland, i'm charley crowson. meagan is off today. we will tell you about the o's and what is going on with the baltimore county firefighter. weather going to be a big problem today. we are dealing with fog, north and west of baltimore. we are dealing with several accidents. i will have more on them and let you know everything you need to know. >> don't need the coat but the umbrella as you step out the door. maryland's most powerful radar, as we take a radar tour this morning as we zoom in to around thurmont, frederick county, light rain, crossing over i-70. hagerstown, walkersville, frederick and tawny town, light rain. that is going to impact your commute for this morning. we look around i-83, wet weather across this area, if you are going to travel in to
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pennsylvania, york county, wet weather there as well. jarrettsville, in on the wet weather through the remainder of the morning, last stop is where the bulk of the rain is, we can see it coming down in front royal. traveling in to virginia, that is where you are going to see the heaviest amount of rain and this is pushing to the north and we will get in on the action as we continue through the rest of today. this morning, temperature wise, coming in at 61 degrees, patchy fog out this morning and we have temperature in chris field 67. dew point wouldn't be surprised patchy fog. the temperatures are above average, we see as we go through the day, 74 degrees. now a check of the time saver traffic with loren cook. good morning, a morning where you will want to use your low beams. we are dealing with fog across the region, expect reduced visibility. there are several accidents k trouble in arundel county, glen
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burnie, a crash along northbound lanes of route 10. in baltimore city, we are dealing with another accident on frank first, at hanover street. if you are traveling through the fort mc henry, there is nothing to get in your way, harbor ton leal be clear. here is what the west side looks like at baltimore national pike, no problems what solve, it will be clear from 795 rs down to 95. baltimore county firefighter is charged with sexually abusing two teen boys. linda so is life at county police headquarter with the latest. it seems police are working to get the man's photograph out there. why are they doing that? >> reporter: police believe there are victims who have yet to come forward. parents, take a good look at this picture. 23 year old, anthony cotel of owings mills is accused of sexually abusing two, 14-year- old boys. one of the victims contacted police last week and told them
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cotel abused him while living with his family and said he witnessed cotel abusing one of his friend's at his house. cotel is a probationary firefighter with the baltimore county fire department and active volunteer with the landsdown firefighter department, he has been suspended from both positions pending the outcome of the investigation is held at the county detention center on 150,000 dollars bonds. if you have information or believe your child maybe a victim, call the crimes against children unit. 4-108-503-3650. linda so, abc2 news. ten years to the day since the week long shooting spree that crippled the washington area. convicted dc snipe ser speaking out from prison. he says he is truly sorry for what happened. >> he says he was under the control of his older partner.
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the spree left 10 people dead in dc over the course of a 3- week span. mohammad was executed in 2009. mallvo said he did defy mohammad one time, he was told to kill a pregnant woman and he couldn't do it. with two games remaining, there are a number of scenarios out there that could bring the fall playoff picture more clearer for us. despite the late inning come back, baltimore dropped the game to the rays, 5- 3, tampa scored three runs in the bottom of the 7th. in the 9th, chris davis, two run home run, cutting the lead to 5- 3, o's fans remain confident things are going to shake out the way they want. >> they are playing their hearts out and playing good baseball. that's what you want to see, fun baseball. >> game two is tonight set for 7:10. if you are curious, the yankees and red sox, taking it away
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from the bronx. very close and there are potentials a numb of scenarios but one of them includes a tie breaking game, 163, between the o's and yankees taking place at camden yard thursday. tickets go on sale for anyone within the viewing area today's at noon. tickets go on sale to the general public at 2:00. the loser of the tie breakler play in a one game wild card playoff, played on friday. the scary situation in northeast baltimore, police are talking to a student following a stabbing at the school. it started as an argument when one student pulled out a knife and stabbed another in the upperrer body. the student is expected to be okay. he was treated by the nurse and taken to johns hopkins hospital. a parent of a first grader is in trouble after an run dale county -- after an arundel county teacher found pot in the backpack.
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the teacher made the discovery while checking the student's home work. it was a gram of pot and the child had no idea it was in her backpack. neighbors are upset about the plan to pay part of the pa for packing. neighborhood says they put time and effort in to turring the park in to what it is today and against the 100 new parking spots needed to expands for a seep yore rec center. time for a check of the forecast. we are keeping our eye on the sky. >> from the sky, charlie, we are seeing rain coming down. as we look towards the west, nice and dry, high pressure
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building in across the area. we have a disturbances area of low pressure that's pushed in across the area, bringing cloud cover and rain towards the south and west of the city as of now. all this is streaming in, to the knot, we will see periods off and on rai do take the rain gear with you, you will need it. temperatures right now on the mild side. coming in the 60s. now a check of the time saver traffic with loren cook. we have patchy fog. there are several accidents, trouble in arundel county, there is a crash in glen burnie, along the northbound lanes of route 10, once you make your way in to baltimore city, another acdent on frank first at hanover street. using 95, taking a live look downtown at 395, notice everything will be up to speed, no delays through the fort mc henry tunnel or the harbor tunnel.
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this has been a hot topic for more than a year what should parents do when vaccinating their children for hpd? . student at sykesville are in for a surprise today to get them up and moving. i'm sherrie johnson, live in carroll county with a fitness challenge, coming up. [ woman ] dear chex cereal, i've never written a fan letter before, but you've done what i thought was impossible: you made good-for-you, gluten-free cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites. when my husband rob found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. the only problem is, with so many great flavors
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you're making it very hard to choose. so thanks. from your fans, the mcgregor family. 'cause we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook.
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tuesday is normally a day off for r the ravens but this morning they are heading to several area schools. sherrie johnson is atlinton in sykesville. this is about getting kids off the couch and getting them active. >> reporter: that's exactly right. it's so exciting because here at the school the students actually don't know about the program they are having this morning for them. it's a surprise. one i think they will enjoy. this is part of the nfl play 60 challenge , the goal is to get kids off the couch, get them moving, end childhood obesity. angie is a physical education
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teacher and beth, also a health teacher at the school, angie, what is happening here today? >> today's, we are having a surprise kickoff assembly for the project aces and nfl play 60 event. >> can you tell me about why the program is important? >> it's important to really reverse the trends of childhood obesity. obese children turn in to obese adults. there is a lot of health problems associated with that. it's important to get kids to fuel up on healthy foods and play 60, exercise 60 minutes everyday. >> what kind of problems are we seeing when we are talking about children? >> childhood diabetes is on the rise. obese children turn in to obese adults. there is a lot of different health problems associated with that. >> this assembly starts at 9:30. you are going to have the ravens here, what do you want students to take away from this
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experience? >> well, we want them to understand that an active lifestyle will mote um vat them to make better choices -- motivate them to make better chases and help them pursue better. >> reporter: there is a log, you are going to track the students. how does that work? >> we ask them for two weeks to record a minimum of 60 minutes of exercise each day and write down the exercises and what they are doing and how long they are exercising for. >> reporter: thank you ladies for being up here early. toso exciting for kids. lots of fun here. sherrie johnson, abc2 news. october is breast cancer awareness month, that has the white house glowing ping. nfl players will be wearing pink occurring during games and charity organizations are doing pushes to raise money and awareness to fight the disease.
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in a few weeks, thousands of runners will be out for the maryland race for the cure. it's sunday october 21st, abc 2 sponsors the event. head to and click on the think pink section, a big deal every year lynette, i know you will be out there. as we look at the most powerful radar w redealing with wet weather, most of it is off towards the west here. frederick, along i-70, seeing wet weather, and moderate rain around burkeetsville, we are going to get in on the action as we go in to the morning and the afternoon. traveling across i-66, you are going to come in a down pour of rain across the area, culpeppers front royal, the same there. let's take a look at temperatures this morning, mild side, you are not seeing
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rainfall. 60 degrees northville. 64 baltimore. edgewater 65. 64 centerville and easton 64 as well. you can leave the jacket at home. future trend, south from the north k bringing us off and on showers. woe will have a cold front that moves through towards the weekend. that's really going to begin to drop the temperatures off feeling like fall. future trend picking up on showers and possibly a spotty shower in to tomorrow. not all said and done yet. this is what we look like, this looks worse that it is. we will have periods of rain. temperature 77 for a high. this is what we look like, we dry out by thursday, temperature 79 degrees, as we go through next four days, plenty of sunshine by friday. breezy on saturday with more showers in the forecast and much cooler by sunday and monday. now a check of the time saver traffic with loren cook. good morning. as you mentioned we are dealing with fog out there. you will want to turn on the
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low beams, slow down and be careful. several accidents, trouble this an arundel county, south baltimore, frank first, at hanover street. no delays through the tunnels. as we check in and look at northern baltimore county, harrisburg expressway, everything will be up to speed here at warren road. dealing with heavy rain in the area. slow down because the roads are going to be slick. here is what the bellway looks like, bel air road, nothing to get in your way, inner loop towards 95 and outer loop up to 83. that's a look at your time saver traffic. study found gardasil, a vaccine against the hpv virus to be safe even for young girls. concerns emerged after the fd aapproved it in 2006. leading health organizations deemed it safe and recommended it for girls ages 11-12.
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according to the study, the only side effects associated with the vaccine for same day fainting and a skin infection. hpv can lead to cervical cancer. people with allergic reaction to cow's milk. cow produced from a genetically modified calf does not contain the protein to alter. it's been more than two months since the mass shoot act movie theater in colorado. there is a move to get better control of illegal guns. and this may not be the best advice when it comes to encountering a bear. coming up, what one woman did after yogi showed up on her front porch. ♪
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♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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thank you for staying was. he nearly died when a gunman opened fire this past summer. he was among the 58 people hurt
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when a gunman opened fire in aurora, colorado. he is the face of a new ad. the ad is sponsored by mayors against illegal guns, a coalition of 700 mayors including baltimore major stephanie rawlings blake and josh cowen. the mayors want the issue of guns tackled. >> of course it's important that you have a job to go to everyday. it's also important that you come home safely from that job everyday. >> 8 families who lost loved ones are urging moderator to ask the president and governor mitt romney about gun violence during tomorrow night's debate. one airline plans to dip further in to your wallet if you are checking bags. the price of traveling the airline claims is intentional if you choose to carry oversized bags. baltimore is receiving high grades as one of the best
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cities for college graduates. where charm city ranks on the list for those just out of school. here you go ttle man.
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[ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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thank you for staying was, with this story, we are just the messengers, spirit airline customers will be having to plan ahead if they want to save money. november 6th, the carrier will charge a $100 fee if passengers need to check carry on baggage at the gate. the fee is intentionally high, to discourage fliers to wait until the last minute. they charge for all bags that don't fit underneath the seat. flyers can pay $20 pebag. baltimore ranks high on the list of the best cities for college students, charm city number 5 according to a list released by the american institute for economic research, bass on the ranked 1st. when you hop on a flight you expect everything important to be locked down and secure. that wasn't the case for passengers on one flight from new york to miami.
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what came loose that caused a shock for those on board am gym teacher is suing a school district for a pretty outrageous claim. good morning, topping the money, price of inaction as washington think tank says if congress can't reach agreement on extending tax cuts, 90 president of households will see a tax hike. jp morgan is sued for prod during the mortgage crisis. the first such action against a big bank filed by the task force and focuses on improper practices. toys r us says it's going to match the competitor's in stow prices. customers will need to show print ads at the lower prices. the of doesn't include on line
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deals. honda recalling 600,000, 2003 through 2007 accords, with v6 engines. a leak could cause fire. don't worry about the bay con shortage, the reports are hogwash but prices will go up.
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this morning, a baltimore county firefighter stands accused of sexually assaulting two boys. two murders in the past year adds up to a fine for a parkville bar.


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